Discovering your unique voice

Self-Learn Beginning To Sing Module


Develop your confident voice and learn to express yourself through singing!



Does this sound like you?


Our Beginning To Sing course is a self-learning module, to get you started, that you can do in your own time, at your own pace.

We want to help you develop your confident voice and have fun singing. Our Beginning To Sing course is easy to follow, with simple bite-sized instruction videos that will take you through some of the basic techniques for singing without making your head spin!

The techniques we share will help you begin to feel in control of your voice, and the sound you produce, which will give you much more confidence when you sing.


"The teachers of this singing course are fantastic – very caring, experienced and fun."



Login to Resources - The Ladies Room (or create an account if you have not already done so) to purchase your course.

Go to 'Manage My Membership', scroll down to Beginning To Sing and click to subscribe. The Beginning To Sing Course will then appear in your 'Members' Resources'.


Here's a short video about the course:


Our "Beginning To Sing" course covers:


The course is made up of teaching elements and a series of practical exercises for you to work through, with explanatory videos. There is a teaching video for the song, at the end, and a separate audio track of the song for you to practise along with afterwards. There is also a Workbook for you, with a reminder of useful tips, definitions of musical terms, lyrics for songs and space for you to take notes as you go along. You will continue to have access to the course, so there is no rush for you to complete it. You can take it at your own pace and repeat sections as often as you like.


“It’s been a great workshop and it covered areas that I was hoping it would, i.e. breathing exercises, diction and warm-ups.” - Workshop participant



Login to: Resources - The Ladies Room (or create an account if you have not already done so) to purchase your course.

Go to 'Manage My Membership', scroll down to Beginning To Sing and click to subscribe. The Beginning To Sing Course will then appear in your 'Members' Resources'.



Hi, we are Sheena and Karen from Dynamic Meladies.

Karen and Sheena performing

We have been singing all of our lives and have performed both together and separately over the years. We love singing and want to share our experience to help you enjoy singing and get the best out of your voice. For the last 5 years we have been running weekly singing classes, and a series of workshops, helping women to develop more confidence in their voices and enjoy singing together. To encourage more women to sing, and be confident in singing, we are turning our tried and tested workshops into online courses to share with you, wherever you are and whatever time you have available.

Singing is meant to be fun and we want you to enjoy our courses while you learn, so we have created them to be really straightforward to follow. You can learn at your own pace; there is no pressure to complete them within a fixed time.

We sing a cappella (unaccompanied) in order that we can focus completely on the voice and help you to become confident in the sound of your own voice.


“A fresh approach – heard things about using your voice I’ve never come across in 50 years of choral singing.”

“I’m really enjoying singing again and already feel more confident in using my voice after a good few years away from singing, so thank you both very much.”

“Learned practical ways to improve breathing – both quantity and dealing with why breathing may be impaired”


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