Singing Groups In Glasgow (and Online)
Our weekly Singing Groups for Women help you strengthen your voice and sing with confidence!
At heart we are all about the voice. Whether your ambition is to discover your voice, take your singing to the next level, wow an audience, or just sing for fun with others, we’ve got you covered!
- You’ll get to sing a wide variety of songs, with our bespoke arrangements designed to suit the voices in the group. We sing a cappella to focus on the sound of our voices blending together in harmony.
- Unlike in a choir, where you are assigned a part, in Dynamic Meladies you will have the opportunity to explore your voice by singing different parts.
Come along to one of our weekly Songbirds Groups and become the singer you want to be.
- Improve your sound using the techniques we’ll share to help you strengthen your voice
- Become a more confident singer, build self-belief and improve your general well-being
- Experience the life-affirming joy of blending your voice with others, singing brilliant songs with brilliant women
- Put all you have learned into practice and experience for yourself the buzz of live performance
Get the low down on our Singing Groups from one of our members: No Hairbrushes Required! Singing with Dynamic Meladies by Liz
Read more testimonials from our members.
Our Singing Groups provide a fun, inclusive and supportive space where each woman can explore and discover her own unique voice.
Come and find yours at Dynamic Meladies!
All our Singing Groups (including the Beginners Course) take place face-to-face at our venue, the Glasgow Unitarians Centre on Berkeley Street, but are also available to join online.
Check our FAQs for useful information about getting to and attending our Groups.
Songbirds Groups
Using targeted exercises and a wide variety of songs, you’ll learn techniques to:
- Develop better breath support, so you can sound louder without straining your throat
- Improve your tone so your voice sounds richer
- Increase the range of your voice, so you can sing higher and lower
- Build good all-round vocal health habits to enable you to sing with confidence
Our repertoire of songs is extensive and varied, and we are always open to suggestions for new additions.
Here’s some footage from our dress rehearsal for a 1940s Remembrance Event:
Wednesday Songbirds Singing Group
This Songbirds Group runs on a Wednesday evening from 7.00 - 9.00pm.
Saturday Songbirds Singing Group
This Songbirds Group runs on a Saturday morning from 10.30am - 12.30pm.
This Group is taking a break and will be back in March 2025. If you would prefer this class to our Wednesday Group, please contact us to be added to the waiting list.
In the meantime, we would love to welcome you to our Wednesday Group if this time works for you in the short term. You can then either stay in this Group or transfer to the Saturday Group when it re-opens.
There are no auditions, or scary solos, and you don’t have to be able to read music.
Please let us know if you have any additional requirements.
For useful information about attending our Singing Groups check out our FAQs.
Beginners Singing Course
If you are new to singing, or would prefer to get a good grounding in the basics before you start, our 12-week Beginners Course combines easy music theory with effective vocal techniques to help you discover and develop your unique singing voice. From there you will be able to move confidently into one of our regular Groups.
Our Classes are full of warm, funny and encouraging women and we think they are pretty awesome! Don’t just take our word for it, hear Isobel’s thoughts about being a part of Dynamic Meladies!
If you have any specific questions, please contact us so we can help and answer these for you.
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We'd love to have you on board!
We have created Dynamic Meladies to provide a space for women to enjoy singing and learning together. Come along, join in the fun and discover your unique voice!
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Free Singing Resources For You!
Sign-up at our Ladies Room to access our Voice Box full of free resources to help you start working on your singing voice. There are singing and breathing exercises for you to practise and useful tips to inspire you! There is also a Practice Companion to help set up a regular routine and get the most our of your practice.