Learn How To Improve Your Singing Voice with Dynamic Meladies
Winners of the “Best Women’s Singing Tuition Provider - Scotland“
in the UK Enterprise Awards 2022 hosted by SME News.
Singing groups and courses (in Glasgow and online) helping women develop their voices and learn to sing with confidence!
We pride ourselves on creating a warm, relaxed environment where we encourage women to be themselves and let their own personalities shine through music. At Dynamic Meladies we think the best learning should be fun and, since singing is one of the most uplifting, life-affirming experiences imaginable, you’ll be picking up new skills before you know it!
Read more testimonials from our members.
How Dynamic Meladies Can Help Improve Your Singing Voice
- Unlike regular choirs or vocal coaches, we combine the teaching of vocal technique with singing songs, creating bespoke harmony arrangements, and providing performance opportunities.
- By limiting numbers in our groups, and by singing a cappella (unaccompanied), we are more able to focus on individual voices and respond to challenges, while offering all the benefits of a group singing experience.
- We specialize in the female voice and our women-only groups provide a safe space for creative expression.
Read about how we helped one of our members find her voice: Pitch Perfect Or Florence Foster Jenkins by Joanne
There are no auditions, you can just book your place and come along, and you don’t have to be able to read music.
Discover your unique voice and start to experience the joy of singing!
Connect with us
Come and join the Dynamic Meladies family!
We'd love to have you with us!
We have created Dynamic Meladies to provide a space for women to enjoy singing and learning together. Come along to a Group, join in the fun and discover your unique voice!
Find your voice with Dynamic Meladies!
Sing for joy at our weekly Singing Groups!
Can We Help With Your Event?
If you would like Dynamic Meladies to perform at your event give us a call on: 07714 459 243 or email us at: info@dynamicmeladies.co.uk
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